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C-DICE Roadmap for Higher-Level Skills Readiness for the Net Zero Transition

A five year plan for the advanced skills requirements for Net Zero by 2050

Why was the C-DICE Roadmap created?

Progress towards net zero will require advances in technology and innovation, investment, and a skilled workforce.

Much of the existing discussion and debate in relation to the skills needed for the net zero transition focuses on the technical and installer workforce, while largely omitting the requirements for a higher-level skilled workforce – for researchers, specialists, managers and leaders. These roles will be essential to provide leadership for, as well as the competency to innovate and drive forward a just transition to net zero carbon.

The Challenges identified by C-DICE

The Centre for Postdoctoral Development in Infrastructure, Cities and Energy (C-DICE) Grand Challenge set out to investigate:  

  • the skills requirements of industry for the net zero transition,  

  • how our highly skilled PhD and postdoc community can support these requirements, 

  • whether changes are needed in PhD and postdoc development to help support the industry demands for skills. 

The C-DICE Grand Challenge in December 2023 gathered and processed the views of representatives from industry, academia, funders and Government and structured them into a set of 12 challenges. 

These 12 challenges were then prioritised, and a series of tasks identified to progress change against the challenges. The tasks are set out in a five-year roadmap.  

The Grand Challenge


The Actions

The C-DICE Roadmap identifies the breakdown of tasks under each challenge needed to progress change against the challenges identified in the C-DICE Grand Challenge.​

The Actions

12 November 2024, 12:00 - 16:00

Roadmap Event

Join C-DICE at the Roadmap Event in London to:

  • hear more about the challenges and the work ongoing

  • find out more about the tasks and the roadmap's five year plan

  • be part of the debate on how to move forward


The event is invitation only - but if you would like to attend, write to us with details about your current role and why you are interested in attending.

If you have received an invitation, follow the link in the email to register.

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